Listen here! Sean Hamman, a seasoned Medicine Man, joins '@souldiers.podcast.' His journey spans Ayahuasca to Amazonian Medicine 'The Frog' and 'The Wood' from Middle-West Africa. Guided by the 'Bwiti' spirit, he practices 'Still Nothingness,' blending Medicine Work with Buddhist practices. Our podcast delves into his vision, Bwiti Consciousness, and the transformative Sacred 'Wood' Medicine ceremonies. This Wisdom Keeper's talk explores life, death, and deep Plant Medicine Work—listen and discover new layers of teachings with each replay.
Tune in to the podcast as Sean Hamman delves into the synergies and distinctive teachings of two powerful spiritual guides: Ayahuasca and The Sacred Wood. Sean opens up about his remarkable journey, from adrenaline-pumping car chases to profound personal liberation.
Our Path
This is an introduction to our practice of Still Nothingness. This spiritual plant medicine practice came into being in 2002 and for the past 19 years has been taught around the Globe. As well as sharing emptiness we facilitate initiations into awakening embodied Silence through the use of Iboga and Kambo.
In our experience a plant that ensures a grounded, silent mind whilst being present though our pain is a touch of Grace.
We invite you to join us and receive the wisdom teacher, Bwiti (animist lineage of Central Africa) and master plant, Iboga, with supporting medicines, Kambô and Sananga, and embodied practices to prepare the mind, body and spirit with clarity and understanding for the ultimate journey of Death and Rebirth.
Our work is dedicated to you and to all our relations, to support you with a personalized, caring and skilful ceremonial initiation.
The power of this ceremonial initiation is the ability to become aware and responsible through the relaxed, resilient, creative, higher functioning faculties of our being through many of the physical and psycho-spiritual patterns which have been unfolding throughout lifetime(s) and generations, in the months which follow the ceremony.
Through this mindbody awakening you will receive tools to accompany this transformative stage of your life; a renewed discovery, a rebirth of connectivity, feeling and awareness.
Since 2018, we've halved costs for African nationals, offer payment plans for all, and ensure fair compensation for our team. Your contribution sustains this work. Let's start a conversation.
Consider joining a ceremony 2-6 months post-physical detox. It's a doorway to self-inquiry for those ready to address the root of suffering. If you're in a 'grey area,' be it pharmaceuticals or recreational habits, let’s chat.
Ours is a Neo-Bwiti practice, outside of the cultural context of Central Africa. For almost 20 years now, Bwiti is being experienced as a wisdom teacher and animist consciousness that is directly experienced through eating the sacrament of Iboga by initiates around the globe.
With 19 years of continuous ceremonial practice, we provide experienced pre- and after-care. Our guidance is tailored to various life phases, addressing healing issues and awakening processes. We source socially responsible Iboga and Kambo, maintaining relationships with ethical farmers and custodial communities.
Step beyond personal mythologies and beliefs into great stillness, a peace within.
Sean Hamman | Founder

Featured in…
Over the years we have been featured in a number of published articles, books and popular podcasts. Press the images to go to the link!
PDF article by psychedelic spokesperson and journalist, Stephen Grey The Holy Wood that doesn’t Give a Shit