The process of joining an Iboga ceremony is a deep journey into exploring who we truly are.
Much like a climb to the immense peak of a great mountain and back down again.
Although the retreat is 3 days long, the container for this experience is actually much larger.
It begins from the moment of your intent to join and spans over a month after ceremony.
Often the biggest step is making contact, engaging the commitment to open up to this possibility of change is a strong catalyst for transformation. And, miraculously, the spirit of this sacred medicine begins to create the conditions for change and realization once the personal commitment is made.
We welcome you to email us to express your interest and questions; whether you are confident or simply curious about your intent to join and would like to explore whether joining a ceremony is the right option for you.
The first step is to contact us via email to share briefly about your calling.
After necessary email correspondence or an brief introductory phone call, we will book your consultation. In this longer conversation, you will be able to share in more depth about yourself and your unique calling. We will share in depth about the ceremonial process, the preparation in practical and spiritual aspects and the integration time after the ceremony with Iboga and Bwiti.
This consultation and will set you upon your journey of preparation.
In the conversation, all the seeds for transformation as sown and then life begins to water them.
Please note that we do not provide drug Detox in this ceremony.
The Iboga Journey
The ceremony day starts the moment of waking up on the Friday morning. Everything that happens this day, is a part of the journey. Arrival at the ceremonial space at 3pm.
In Summer the ceremonial room is refreshingly cool, and in Winter, the room is womb like and the fire is lit. Upon entering the hall, the foam mats are laid out around central pillar candle and medicine wheel. Each participant arrives and chooses their space in the room and will set their bedding up.
After everyone has met and relaxed into the new surroundings. Simple directions are shared with everyone to orientate to the new space we will share for the next 2 days. Every participant will have a private consultation with the N’ganga, to acknowledge areas for guidance and clarify intent.
Throughout the late afternoon casual conversation moves into silence, and conversation is now in quiet voices about essential details. Over the last hours of daylight person dedicates themselves to individual preparation by resting, spending time in the garden or in the sun room in solitary contemplation for the night of ceremony to come.
Later into the evening, the medicine wheel is called in and the ceremonial work is formally opened. Each person will speak their intent and prayer for joining the ceremony and present themselves to the Bwiti for their ceremony.
The First night of Ceremony: The Death
The ceremony is formally opened and now pure ground up Iboga root bark is offered to each person. Each dosage is variable and is given according to each individual’s sensitivity discussed in private consultation. In the first few hours, a gentle sleep may continue. Into the 4th hour, awareness expands into the subtle body, the physical body becomes quiet and settled. The process begins to intensify and each person begins to connect with the spirit of Iboga.
The ancestral work of Iboga is beginning and Bwiti is guiding the journey beyond our everyday perception. Iboga is a psychic enhancer and as the journey into the state of awareness between this life and rebirth, many voices of thought arise rapidly and relentlessly. Some of these voices will be familiar to you as ‘your own’ thoughts and feelings. Other voices and memories will not familiar and are reflective of the ancestral voices that have been living though us.
A profound review of areas in life that have not been resolved in peace or clarity begins. The root of the Iboga is reaching deeply into each person and at some stage may draw up the root of suffering in the form of a purge. The Iboga is a master surgeon, so purging is not necessarily going to happen on every ceremony, only when Iboga is ready to spit something out. Regardless, the Iboga spirit is traveling to the core of our being to ground us and help us to face what we came into a body to live and learn.
In mid afternoon crosses into early evening, electrolytes and nutrients are replenished with a fruit and much later, a warm meal. In the last hours of the day, each person may venture outside to connect with the gentleness of nature and the physical body after the longest night of the soul.
The Second Night : The Rebirth
After what feels like the longest day, the tempo is beginning to change. Saturday night is the Rebirth ceremony. The journey back into the body and we will to return to our bodies through dance. Dancing is a powerful rite of the rebirth process and each person must dance their spirit back into the body.
Dancing is a powerful alchemy and is a key part of Bwiti ritual. The dance moves are not what matters, its the intent to step through, to embrace breath, movement, spontaneity and challenge that helps each person to cross over to living again.
The Final Day of Ceremony
On Sunday morning, each person wakes, has a shower, changes out of their ceremonial clothes. A healthy breakfast is provided. The rebirth and integration continues through the mid morning as grounding rituals are completed so that everyone is crosses through to a grounded and embodied state. In the closing circle, each person has the opportunity to share and acknowledge the unique lessons and challenges of their death and rebirth. Then, clear instruction on how to harness the potential of the ceremony over the next 30 days are shared.
Over the years, so many people from many varying life experiences have found support and guidance through Iboga, including those who have never had any experience with psychedelics or ceremony.
Students of wellbeing, mental health, spiritual teachings, somatic spiritual and therapeutic practices and consciousness raising find our work to be supportive and enhancing to their life.
Individuals who have tried other therapeutic approaches to release trauma and inhibiting beliefs without completely freeing themselves from the patterns attached to the experience.
For those who wish to be more grounded in their body, in their nervous system, quieter in their mind and slow down the speed that their mind operates with.
People who are transitioning out of pharmaceutically assisted management for depression, ADD, anxiety and insomnia.
Individuals who are stuck in long established patterns of behaviour, thinking and self image that the mind can see but cannot change.
People who no longer actively have a physical drug dependency and would like to transform the underlying patterns of behaviour.
People who are living with chronic pain and would like to find peace in their mind through this experience.
We look forward to connecting with you and supporting you in your calling.
In Beauty,
Sean and Nicole