'The Sunday' chia pudding recipe

This article is for all the happy people who wake up on the Sunday morning newly reborn and reset! Over the years many people have asked me for this recipe and, so, here it is! It is a delight to share it. It is one of these recipes that you can adapt and add special additions of fruits and nuts, super foods to pump it up even more with nutritional value. Chia simply on its own is a energy tonic. It lubricates joints and has one of the highest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. It is known for providing stamina for long days and I can attest that one decent sized bowl of chia in the morning has provided many of our guests with endurance for many hours on the final day of our retreat.

It is possible to make a larger bowl of chia pudding at the start of the week and store it in the fridge. It will stay fresh for up to 5 days and it will also become tastier as the seeds soak up all the ingredients in the recipe.

The recipe is a rule of thumb. So please make adjustments to the mix if you add too little of the seeds and the dish is too ‘liquid-y’. Or if the seeds are still crowded and hard, then you will need to whisk in more ‘mylk’ (non-diary milks). This dish is extremely forgiving to make and can be adjusted when you taste-test it.


( approx. 5 servings )

125 grams chia seeds

1 litre of mylk (I use rice milk, rice and coconut milk is also delicious)

1 can of coconut cream (please carefully choose a product without titanium oxide -whitener)

75 - 125 grams of almond or macadamia meal/flour

I tablespoon of cinnamon powder or any other sweet desert spices that are to your taste.

Sweetener such as honey, maple syrup, agave syrup (to your taste)

Possible additions

1 -2 teaspoons of maca powder

1 tablespoon of cacao powder - caution - do not add if you are in your 30 days.

A handful of dried unsalted, raw nuts

A handful of goji berries

2 mashed bananas or a grated apple as an alternative sweetener


In a large bowl, place the chia, nut flour, spices, superfoods.

Gradually add the mylk, whisking and mixing as you add the liquid so that as the chia expands it does not stick together. Continue to add the mylks and coconut cream as and when the chia begins to swell and absorb the milk. This will happen fairly quickly. Remember to keep stirring so it becomes a smooth mix and it does not thicken into clumps.

Add the sweetner (or mashed banana or grated apple) to your taste.

Add the nuts and goji berries.

Place in the fridge to set and expand.

Check after an hour to see if it needs more mylk.

Leave overnight or 8 hours, prior to eating.

Serve with fruit salad, berries or stewed fruits.