
“The only thing you can do is to stop putting obstacles up to the natural movement of your own transformation.”

Gaston Saint-Pierre, Metamorphic Technique founder.

What is Metamorphic Technique?

Metamorphic Technique acknowledges our pre-natal pattern, which was established throughout the stages of our gestation from pre-conception to birth. Every aspect of our living experience is the timeless prenatal pattern expressing ourself.

A useful metaphor for our pre-natal pattern is that of the acorn and the oak tree. Within the acorn is the oak tree, everything the oak tree needs to become the oak tree is contained within the acorn. In the practice of Metamorphic Technique, detachment is the fertile soil around the seed. Detachment is the underlying ingredient of transformation.

Another way to express detachment is- ‘letting be’.

In this practice of Metamorphic Technique, the space that is created by the giver of Metamorphic Technique is surrounding the acorn with all the soil and nutrients that it needs. Within the container of the session the client’s higher self uses this opportunity to facilitate the change and transformation that is necessary in their life.

In Metamorphic Technique, movement of our transformation exists in the conditioning, which is present in this moment. As a practitioner of ‘detachment’, we are the environment for ‘the seed’ to express its potential. We are the environment that ‘the seed’ has connected with to loosen and grow, in order to express its potential.

A state of resonance is occurring between the recipient and practitioner. The state of being and ‘letting be’ is a state of resonating love. Together, recipient and practitioner are in this space and the environment.

When and Who can benefit from Metamorphic Technique?

Everyone can benefit from Metamorphic Technique. This technique is for anyone who is alive!

People can also receive Metamorphic Technique when they feel stuck in their life and are repeating repetitive patterns in their life, relationships, life work and their perception.

However, it is not necessary to perceive a problem or difficulty in our life to benefit from this practice.

Transformation is not something that we have to strive for, it is natural. As natural as the in going breathe and the out going breath.

Metamorphic techniques is an art of living and as a matter of fact, is also an art of dying; an art of being, impermanence and change.

Metamorphosis is a transmutation into a finer and subtler substance.

Each session takes 1 hour and recipients sit or semi recline comfortably on a chair while receiving Metamorphic Technique. There might be some light sensitivity to the gentle touch, at first. However, after a few minutes an expanded and relaxed state of awareness and peace is felt. And sometimes it is possible to even fall asleep!

Some people find that 3-5 sessions at first is supportive to initiate the flow of transformation. Then as they complete the sessions it only becomes necessary to receive Metamorphic Technique again when difficulties or blocks arise in the process of change. Or, simply an occasional refresher session when it feels intuitively supportive to maintain the ongoing journey.

Metamorphic Technique is particularly supportive for offering a method of transformation when plant medicines are not possible for some people. Perhaps because of medications or history of psychosis.

As an integrative method, Metamorphic Technique is extremely complementary to the process of transformation which is unfolding after Iboga.